An Oakland Artist's Glorious Garden

One of Flora's favorite things is to help dear friends with their gardens, and this glorious front garden is close to her heart. It's the home of Oakland artist Terri Loewenthal, and together they've built a wild and vibrant collection of plants that shelters Terri's house and welcomes visitors.

The spectrum of colors Terri favors in her garden comes as no surprise if you've seen her photographs, like the one hanging in her home above. She creates stunning landscapes using a unique in-camera process, layering different vantage points and saturating hues. See more of her gorgeous pieces on her website.

“It's impossible to say what I love more,” Terri says: “Spanning long lazy hours in my garden with Flora, or actively designing and working on it with her. There's a fullness of being that happens when we spend time outdoors. I truly believe that nature is the only gateway to certain parts of our unconscious minds that complete us. Traditionally, I find this pillar of health in the remote wilderness, but Flora has shown me how rejuvenating it can be to create a sanctuary right here at home.”

The garden is full of movement and whimsy, with a wondrous spectrum of colors, textures, and forms. "Terri and I see eye to eye on many things," Flora says, "including our deep love of the natural world and our enthusiasm for spending our days off working on garden projects."

Terri and Flora have spent a couple of years pruning and training the Acacia pravissima to guide it over the pergola. The result is an exuberant canopy of branches that's especially spectacular at this time of year, with its soft golden blooms.

Rustic terra cotta pots arranged at the foot of the pergola frame the entrance with striking specimen plants like Trachycarpus wagnerianus (the adorable fan palm, above right) and sculptural, velvet-leafed Kalanchoe 'Silver Platter' (above left).

Caroyta mitis (fishtail palm)

Leucadendron ‘Jester’

A triple-headed Cussonia tree is a playful counterpoint to the pergola, drawing the eye up into its leafy crowns at the opposite end of the garden. Like most of the plants in Terri's garden, the Cussonia was grown down on our farms at Grubb & Nadler. We've got this tree in stock now in smaller sizes, ready for you to plant at home!

Agave attenuata (large soft agave plant); Kalanchoe fedschentkoi (succulent with pink bell-shaped blooms)

Beyond the pergola, the garden continues along a stone path lined with mossy pots and more plants in a bright palette of yellows and greens, including a pair of Beschorneria 'Flamingo Glow' (above left, with striped leaves).

Specimen plants like the rare Banksia blechnifolia (above) create little moments of wonder with their exotic blooms. Fern-leaf banksias like blechnifolia have foliage that resembles fern leaves, but they’re much sturdier, needing less water and tolerating high heat and sun.

Pretty potted compositions in rustic terra cotta are tucked in the corners. Chamaerops ‘Cerifera’ (the silvery palm above) looks gorgeous paired with a pale yellow rhipsalis tucked into the pot as a companion.

Aloe ferox

Kalanchoe fedschentkoi

Terri and Flora are always playing around with the garden to re-shape and add new plants. They're also in the midst of re-doing Terri's back garden. We can't wait to some pics of that project with you when it's ready.

Thanks, Terri, for sharing your garden and your time with us!

Lots of the plants featured in Terri's garden are in stock now here at FGG. The weather's cool and lovely, and it's the perfect time to start your springtime garden projects. We can't wait to see you!

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