Wispy Acacias and Their Golden Blooms

Here in the Bay Area, when the acacias start showing their fireworks of delicate golden blooms, we know that spring is just around the corner.

Acacias are versatile, drought-tolerant beauties, with a wispy texture that brings movement and softness to the garden. We grow over a dozen varieties down on our farms at Grubb & Nadler (that's our Acacia iteaphylla crop glowing in the background below!).

Some acacias are shrub-like, while others mature into leggy, weeping trees, and still others can be trained onto arbors or trellises. 

One of our favorites is Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt,' pictured above and below, the soft green feathery plant growing along the path in Flora's Berkeley garden. 'Cousin Itt' grows lush and low to the ground, making it a perfect partner for more sculptural plants like succulents and palms.

We've almost always got several varieties of acacia in stock at our San Francisco store. Scroll down for more acacia inspiration.

Come see us soon, and choose your favorite acacia to plant in your own garden!

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