Behind the Scenes With Garden Designer Daniel Nolan

We love collaborating with Daniel Nolan, who got his start ten years ago on the FGG team. Now he's one of SF's most sought-after garden designers! We had so much fun catching up with Daniel in his gorgeous studio office filled with houseplants. Read on for some inspiration for your own workspace.

Daniel's bright and airy office space was once the garage of his friend Jeff Wright's house by the beach. (Jeff is also a longtime member of the FGG family. More photos of his home here!) Like the gardens Daniel designs, the studio is stylish, artful, and inviting.

Plants are so important in a workspace (especially for a garden pro!), bringing much-needed energy and vitality to a day at the office. We love the way Daniel's plants complement the scale of the room, with large, lush specimens tucked into vintage baskets and clustered pots.

A plant with a pop of color, like a blooming bromeliad, surprises the eye and punctuates the serene whites and grays. Aechmea fasciata (above left) grows both indoors and out, and will tolerate quite a dry garden.

Daniel's own book, Dry Gardens, is full of stunning inspiration, featuring many of his lushly textured designs, along with so much helpful knowledge about growing low-water plants. Come get your copy at FGG!

Thanks, Daniel and Jeff, for inviting us down to see the studio. Check out Daniel's website to enjoy more photos of his work, including Jeff's glorious garden filled with banksias and other protea-family plants.

Feeling inspired to give your home office a planty makeover? Us too! Come over to the garden soon, and we'll help you pick just the right plants for your workspace.

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